Dr. Gunther Gust
Sprechzeiten | ||||||||
Nach Vereinbarung | ||||||||
Lebenslauf | ||||||||
Seit 06/2019 |
Akademischer Rat (auf Zeit) am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
08/2018 |
Promotion (summa cum laude) zum Thema "Analytical Information System for the Planning and Operation of Decentralized Electricity Networks" |
Seit 09/2017 |
Leiter der Forschungsgruppe "Smart Cities and Industries" |
08/2017 - 09/2017 |
Geospin GmbH, Freiburg Mitarbeit als Data Scientist |
01/2015 - 05/2019 |
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg |
06/2016 - 11/2016 |
Forschungsaufenthalt am Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA |
04/2012 - 09/2014 |
Masterstudium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Abschluss mit Auszeichnung |
11/2013 - 06/2014 |
Masterarbeit „Analyse von Niederspannungsnetzen und Entwicklung von Referenznetzen“, BKW Energie AG, Bern; betreut am Institut für Informationswirtschaft und Marketing (IISM), KIT |
10/2007 - 03/2011 |
Bachelorstudium Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), Abschluss mit Auszeichnung |
08/2009 - 05/2010 |
Auslandsstudium ITESM, Monterrey (Mexiko) |
Preise & Auszeichnungen | ||||||||
12/2021 |
Fachschaftspreis für sehr gute Lehre in den Seminaren: Business Analytics using R and Python sowie Spatial and Urban Analytics Using R and Python |
10/2015 - 08/2018 |
Promotionsstipendiat der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes (ideelle Förderung) |
08/2015 - 08/2018 |
Promotionsstipendiat der Heinrich Böll Stiftung |
02/2008 - 09/2014 |
Stipendiat der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes |
05/2012 |
Preis der Jubiläumsstaatsstiftung des Landes Baden-Württemberg (Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften, KIT) |
Betreute Lehrveranstaltungen | ||||||||
WS 2020/21 |
Management of Information Systems (Vorlesung und Tutorate) Seminars in Business Analytics:
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
Originalarbeiten in wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften
Jahre: 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2017

- Rüde L, Wussow M, Heleno M, Gust G, Neumann D
Estimating electrical distribution network length and capital investment needs from real-world topologies and land cover data
2024 Energy Policy, Band: 195, Nummer: 114368 - Rüde L, Gust G, Neumann D
Multi-period Electricity Distribution Network Investment Planning under Demand Coincidence in the Smart Grid
2024 Annals of Operations Research, Band: forthcoming

- Gust G, Schlüter A, Feuerriegel S, Ubeda I, Lee J, Neumann D
Designing Electricity Distribution Networks: The Impact of Demand Coincidence
2023 European Journal of Operational Research, Band: 315, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 271 - 288 - Ruß M, Gust G
Reliable route planning and time savings in real-world urban intermodal transportation networks: Evidence from Hamburg, Germany
2023 Expert Systems with Applications, Band: 227, Nummer: 120196

- Mayer K, Rausch B, Arlt M, Gust G, Wang Z, Neumann D, Rajagopal R
3D-PV-Locator: Large-Scale Detection of Rooftop-Mounted Photovoltaic Systems in 3D
2022 Applied Energy, Band: 310, Nummer: 118469

- Rosenfelder M, Wussow M, Gust G, Cremades R, Neumann D
Predicting Residential Electricity Consumption Using Aerial and Street View Images
2021 Applied Energy, Band: 301, Seite: 117407 - Gust G, Brandt T, Mashayekh S, Heleno M, Deforest N, Stadler M, Neumann D
Strategies for Microgrid Operation Under Real-World Conditions
2021 European Journal of Operational Research, Band: 292, Nummer: 1, Seiten: 339 - 352 - Ruß M, Gust G, Neumann D
The Constrained Reliable Shortest Path Problem in Stochastic Time-Dependent Networks
2021 Operations Research, Band: 69, Nummer: 3, Seiten: 709 - 726

- Gust, G, Flath, C M, Brandt, T, Ströhle, P, Neumann, D
How a Traditional Company Seeded New Analytics Capabilities
2017 MIS Quarterly Executive, Band: 16, Nummer: 3, Seiten: 215 - 230
Jahre: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016

- Rosenfelder M, Gust G, Neumann D
Improving Urban Analytics Using 3D Geometries and Graph Convolutional Neural Networks: Evidence from Real Estate Valuation
2020 Winter Conference on Business Analytics, Snowbird, USA - Russ M, Gust G
The Value of Reliable Route Planning in Urban Intermodal Transport
2020 Winter Conference on Business Analytics, Snowbird, USA

- Arlt M, Gust G, Neumann D
Optimal Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) Program Design in Constrained Electricity Systems Using Time-Dependent Demand Response Functions and Reinforcement Learning
2019 Policy, Awareness, Sustainability and Systems (PASS) Workshop, Cologne, Germany - Gust G, Brandt T, Koppius O, Feuerriegel S, Rosenfelder M, Kaulich A, Neumann D
Leveraging the Third Dimension: Opportunities and Guidelines for 3D Analytics
2019 Winter Conference on Business Analytics (WCBA 2019), Snowbird, Utah, March 07-09, 2019 - Arlt M-L, Gust G, Neumann D
Optimal Critical Peak Pricing (CPP) Program Design in Constrained Electricity Systems Using Time-Dependent Demand Response Functions and Reinforcement Learning
2019 Winter Conference on Business Analytics (WCBA 2019), Snowbird, Utah, March 07-09, 2019 - Arlt M, Gust G, Neumann D
Price-Based Demand Response Program Design for Constrained Local Electricity Systems
2019 Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Munich, Germany

- Arlt M-L, Gust G, Neumann D
Impact of Timely Information on Demand Response and Efficient Electricity Grid Operation
2018 36th USAEE/IAEE North American Conference, Washington D.C., USA, 23.-26.09.2018 (Poster) - Arlt M-L, Gust G, Neumann D
Impact of Timely Information on Demand Response and Efficient Electricity Grid Operation
2018 Production and Operations Management Society (POMS 2018), Houston, USA, 04.-07.05.2018

- Gust G, Kaulich A, Killinger S, Feuerriegel S, Brandt T, Neumann D
A Recommender System to Promote Photovoltaic Systems Based on 3D Building Data
2017 Symposium on Statistical Challenges in Electronic Commerce Research (SCECR 2017), Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, June 26--28, 2017 - Gust G, Kaulich A,, Killinger S, Feuerriegel S, Brandt T, Neumann D
A Recommender System to Promote Photovoltaic Systems Based on 3D Building Data
2017 Singapore Management University (SMU), Singapore, July 3, 2017

- Willing C, Gust G, Brandt T, Wagner S, Neumann D
Business Intelligence for Location-Based Services - Enabling User-Based Relocation of Carsharing Vehicles
2016 Winter Conference on Business Intelligence (WCBI 2016), Snowbird, Utah, March 03-05, 2016 - Gust G, Flath C, Ströhle P, Brandt T, Neumann D
Soft Analytics: The Art of Practicing Big Data
2016 Winter Conference on Business Intelligence (WCBI 2016), Snowbird, Utah, March 03-05, 2016 - Gust G, Kaulich A, Brandt T, Killinger S, Neumann D
Analyzing the Adoption of Residential PV Units Using Data on Solar Irradiance and the Built Environment
2016 Erasmus Energy Forum, Rotterdam, May 18, 2016.
Jahre: 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

- Rausch B, Mayer K, Arlt M, Gust G, Staudt P, Rajagopal R, Neumann D, Weinhardt C
An Enriched Automated PV Registry: Combining Image Recognition and 3D Building Data
2020 NeurIPS 2020 Workshop Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning

- Albrecht S, Gust G, Strüker J, Neumann D
Competence, Fashion and the Case of Blockchain
2019 Proceedings of the 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, Germany - Rosenfelder M, Gust G, Neumann D
Decision Support for Real Estate Investors: Improving Real Estate Valuation with 3D City Models and Points of Interest
2019 Proceedings of the 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, Germany - Albrecht S, Gust G, Strüker J, Neumann D
Managers’ IT Competence in Turbulent Market Environments
2019 Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), Stockholm, Sweden (Conditionally Accepted) - Ruß M, Gust G, Neumann D
Robust Route Planning in Intermodal Urban Traffic
2019 Proceedings of the 14. Internationale Tagung Wirtschaftsinformatik, Siegen, Germany

- Dimitrov I, Gust G, Brandt T, Biener W, Neumann D
Multi-Period Planning of Distribution Grid Reinforcements Under Uncertainty about Future Penetration of Photovoltaic Systems
2018 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), Limassol, Cyprus, 03-07 Jun, 2018

- Schlüter A, Gust G, Feuerriegel S, Neumann D
Minimization Of Investment Costs For Designing Electricity Distribution Networks
2017 INFORMS Annual Meeting – Houston, Texas October 22-25

- Willing C, Gust G, Brandt T, Schmidt S, Neumann D
Enhancing Municipal Analytics Capabilities to Enable Sustainable Urban Transportation
2016 24th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2016), Istanbul, Turkey, June 12-15, 2016 - Gust G, Biener, W, Brandt, T, Dallmer-Zerbe, K, Neumann, D, Wille-Haussmann, B
Decision Support for Distribution Grid Planning
2016 2016 IEEE International Energy Conference (ENERGYCON), Leuwen, Belgium, 04-08 April, 2016 - Gust G, Flath C M, Brandt T, Ströhle P, Neumann D
Bringing Analytics into Practice: Evidence from the Power Sector
2016 ICIS 2016 Proceedings, Dublin, Ireland, 2016 - Biener W, Gust G, Killinger S
Evaluation of Methods for Estimating Distribution Grid Stress Due to Future Installations of Photovoltaic Units
2016 IEEE 43rd Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC), Portland, Oregon, June 5-10, 2016

- Biener W, Dallmer-Zerbe K, Krug B, Gust G, Wille-Haussmann B
Optimal grid expansion – Comparison between Smart Grid and conventional grid reinforcement
2015 ETG-Fachbericht-Internationaler ETG-Kongress 2015
Sonstige Publikationen
Jahre: 2014

- Gust G
Analyse von Niederspannungsnetzen und Entwicklung von Referenznetzen (Masterarbeit)
Institut für Informationswirtschaft und Marketing (IISM), Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), 2014