Prizes and Awards
- Best Paper Award at NeuroIS Retreat 2022
Our study "Information Overload and Argumentation Changes in Product Reviews: Evidence from NeuroIS" received the Hermann Zemlicka award for the most visionary paper at the NeuroIS Retreat 2022. The paper presents the results of a NeuroIS experiment with EEG and eye-tracking measurements to study the role of argumentation changes in product reviews. The Hermann Zemlicka award is given by the organization committee to the most visionary paper each year in memoriam to Dr. Hermann Zemlicka. Dr. Zemlicka was as an Austrian politician and member of the Gmunden City Council, who largely contributed to the establishment of the annual NeuroIS retreat. The study was carried out by Florian Popp, Dr. Bernhard Lutz and Prof. Dirk Neumann.
- Teaching Award Summer 2021
The seminar courses Business Analytics using R and Python as well as Spatial and Urban Analytics Using R and Python in the summer semester 2021 were awarded two teaching prizes by the Student Council for Economics. The student council awards recognize the best evaluated courses (lectures, exercises, and seminars).
- Best Paper Award at HICSS 2016
The Chair of Information Systems Research has received the Best Paper Award at the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Science for its paper „Detecting Negation Scopes for Financial News Sentiment Using Reinforcement Learning“ by Nicolas Pröllochs, Dr. Stefan Feuerriegel and Prof. Dr. Dirk Neumann! The HCISS is one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of Information Systems Research and was held from January 5-8, 2016 in Kauai, Hawaii.
- EEX (European Energy Exchange) Excellence Award 2015
The EEX Excellence Award is given for outstanding research papers in the field of energy and exchange trading. In 2015, our doctoral candidate Joscha Märkle-Huß was selected as one of the winners. The European Energy Exchange (EEX) is the leading trading platform for energy and commodity products in Europe.
- 2nd Prize EnergieCampus 2015
Joscha Märkle-Huß was awarded the second prize of the EnergieCampus competition which is organized by the foundation "Stiftung Energie & Klimaschutz". As part of the competition doctoral candidates from Baden-Württemberg were asked to present their ideas on the issue "Wie geht Klimaschutz morgen?". For his work on "Nationwide savings from demand Response" Joscha Märkle-Huß was selected by a prestigious jury to win the second prize.The foundation "Stiftung Energie & Klimaschutz" deals with issues on power supply, energy use and the climate change and its consequences. - Best Paper Award at HICSS 2015
The Chair of Information Systems Research has received the Best Paper Award at the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Science for its paper „Data Analytics in Free-Floating Carsharing: Evidence from the City of Berlin“! The authors Sebastian Wagner, Tobias Brandt, and Dirk Neumann were able to come out on top of 13 nominated papers in the most competitive track of the conference.
The HCISS is one of the most prestigious conferences in the field of Information Systems Research and has set a new record of participation with more than 1,000 submissions this year. The conference was held from January 5-8, 2015 in Kauai, Hawaii. -
Prof Neumann ranks 40th among top German researchers
The 2014 Handelsblatt-Ranking on "Betriebswirtschaftslehre" (business administration) has been published. Prof. Dr. Neumann ranks 40th in the category "Beste Forschungsleistung" (best research performance) among top researchers in the German-speaking area.
- Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting 2014
Our employee Antal Ratku received a DAAD stipend to participate in this year's Lindau Meeting on Economic Sciences. Main focus is meeting and discussing with 18 Nobel laureates and 460 scientifics from all over the world. - Best Conference Theme Paper Award at ICIS 2013
The paper "Shaping a Sustainable Society: How Information Systems Utilize Hidden Synergies between Green Technologies" was awarded the Best Conference Theme Paper Award at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). The 2013 was held from December 15-18 at the Bocconi University in Milan. It is regarded as the largest and most renowned conference on Information Systems. - Constantin von Dietze-Preis 2013
Für seine Dissertation zum Thema "Cost Efficient Management of IT Infrastructures: Energy Aware Operation, Purchasing Strategies and Resource Failure Management" wurde Herr Dr. Christian Bodenstein mit dem Constantin von Dietze-Preis ausgezeichnet. - EEX (European Energy Exchange) Excellence Award 2013
Für seine Masterarbeit mit dem Titel "Developing vehicle-to-grid regulation algorithms to optimize economic revenues" wurde Herr Sebastian Wagner mit dem "EEX Excellence Award" ausgezeichnet. - Best PhD Student Paper Award (ISCRAM) 2012
Für sein Paper mit dem Titel "Operational Emergency Response under Informational Uncertainty: A Fuzzy Optimization Model for Scheduling and Allocating Rescue Units" wurde Herr Felix Wex mit dem Best PhD Student Paper Award der diesjährigen International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM) ausgezeichnet. Die ’International Community on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management' steht für hochwertige internationale Konferenzen im Bereich der Informationstechnologien für das Krisenmanagement. - IBM Faculty Award 2011
IBM hat den weltweit ausgeschriebenen Forschungspreis „IBM Faculty Award“ an Prof. Dr. Dirk Neumann von der Universität Freiburg, Chair for Information Systems Research, verliehen. Mit der Auszeichnung fördert das Unternehmen herausragende Forschungsarbeiten im Bereich „Analyse von Real-Time Feeds“. Der Preis ist mit 20.000 US-Dollar dotiert. Im Projekt kooperiert die Universität Freiburg mit dem IBM Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum in Böblingen bei Stuttgart.